7 x $7 figure businesses
121 x multiple $6 figure businesses
And 259 x $6 figure businesses.
All awesome people, doing:
✅ What they want
✅ When they want
✅ Where they want
✅ How they want
✅ And with whom they want.
Their version of having it ALL.
And it's not really about the money.
Sure, it's an awesome enabler, but it's not what this is about.
It's about creating an impact - really making a difference, having a lot of fun along the way, doing less and achieving more, and being truly free (not just financially free - which usually comes at a huge cost and isn't really freedom).
That's real wealth.
All of the above were (or still are) my clients. And that’s only a selection of the 1000+ people I’ve worked with (it's definitely been quite a journey).
There’s others that already had the work/business they desire and wanted more of
something else, usually time, love, fun or freedom (sometimes something else entirely).
I get to work with successful men to help them unlock their greatness and then discover how to use it to help and serve others, so they can not only have a lot of fun, but also create impact, create positive change, to do what they were born to do
And to live a life you wouldn't trade for anything (and avoid the #1 regret of the dying).
I literally love what I do.
Which is why I want to share with you how they achieved it:
Step 1: Turned off the noise, enabling focus.
Step 2: Embraced the "masculine" and switched off the ego - not the arrogance kind, but the kind that is driven be fear (of success, failure, judgement, comparison and the unknown).
Step 3: Defined their why (purpose), what (vision), who (identity) and value (your gold). This is how you discover what you can do, to help and serve others, unlike ANYONE else.
Step 4: Discovered the best way, for them, to implement ⬆️⬆️⬆️ and create the life they wouldn't trade for anything.
The general approach, the proven method, is the same for everyone. BUT the specifics are unique to each and every individual.
It really isn't complicated, in fact it's incredibly simple. But it's hard, like really hard. It involves a lot of unlearning and a whole heap of conviction, courage and commitment.
I’m sharing ALL of this for two specific reasons.
First of all, to show you what’s possible (for context this is across many industries including: coaching, training, speaking, technology, marketing, sales, consulting, recruitment, real estate)
Secondly, to ask who’s next…
If it's you, then give the simple 4 step process a try...
And if you want help with that. If you want to accelerate your journey and get some insight from someone who has helped more than 1000 people to achieve true wealth and abundance - more fun, impact and freedom
Send me a DM let's see if we can add you to the ⬆️.